EAA 99 Exhibition Space Booking Form

Please print this form, complete and return by mail or fax to the EAA99 address at the bottom.  Thank you.
Post code:                                                                                Country:
Tel:                                                                                              Fax:
Nature of business / operation

I would like to book the following:
Quantity    £ Total 
  Standard exhibition space @ £100 (pounds sterling) + UK VAT per unit (total £117.50)  
  Power supply to exhibition unit @ £25 (pounds sterling) + UK VAT per outlet (total £29.38)  
  Quarter-page entry in the Exhibition Handbook @ £25 (pounds sterling) + UK VAT (total £29.38). Please supply camera-ready copy in digital or hard copy (maximum size 70mm by 120 mm portrait)  
  Half-page entry in the Exhibition Handbook @ £50 (pounds sterling) + UK VAT (total £58.75). Please supply camera-ready copy in digital or hard copy (maximum size 120mm by 170mm landscape)  
  Whole-oage entry in the Exhibition Handbook @ £100 (pounds sterling) + UK VAT (total £117.50). Please supply camera-ready copy in digital or hard copy (maximum size 260mm by 170mm portrait)  
  Total payment for Exhibition space and options   


I would like to become a sponsor of the EAA99 meeting with a contribution of £_______________

I would like this to be directed towards (please note any preferences here): _______________________________

Payment Arrangements (please tick)

_______  I enclose payment of £__________ (cheques made payable to Bournemouth University).
                 Please send a receipt YES / NO

_______  Please invoice me for the cost of the above items.

Exhibition Handbook Copy

Camera-ready copy / digital image for Exhibition Handbook attached YES / NO / TO FOLLOW

Note: full payment for exhbition space and options must be received before 1st August 1999.

The Conference Organizing Committee regrets it cannot accept applications from any organization involved in the sale of antiquities

EAA Meeting Secretariat, School of Conservation Sciences, Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5BB. UK Tel: +44(0)1202 595415.Fax: +44(0)1202 595478